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Transmission Electron Microscope Imaging Service—JEOL JEM-F200 Multi-Purpose Scanning/Transmission Electron Microscope

Transmission electron microscopy is an important tool for the observation and study of ultrastructure and is widely used in a variety of disciplines such as histology, cytology, virology, pathology, and materials science, for example, to observe the overall structure of cells, changes in cell membranes, organelles in cell walls, the distribution of materials into cells, autophagic vesicles produced by cells in response to external stimuli, and invasive structures invaded by external organisms. CD BioSciences' JEOL JEM-F200 Multi-Purpose Scanning/Transmission Electron Microscope-based transmission electron microscopy imaging service enables customers to see the microscopic world.

Name of the Instrument/Platform

JEOL JEM-F200 Multi-Purpose Scanning/Transmission Electron Microscope



Technical specifications
1. Cold Field Emission Electron Gun (CFEG) with high stability, brightness, and energy resolution
2. High Resolution OL polepiece supports HR imaging capability with lattice resolution of 0.10 nm under TEM mode and 0.14 nm under STEM HAADF mode.
3. High Resolution OL In-gap Aperture system for high contrast imaging in life and soft matter sciences
4. Four-stage probe-forming optical system that controls the intensity and the convergence angle of electron beam independently, to respond to different research requirements
5. Gatan Rio 16 4K resolution CMOS camera
6. Operating voltage 200 KV, 120KV
7. Intuitive user interface specifically designed for analytical electron microscopy
8. Single tilt autoloader system and motorized aperture control for easy-to-use operation
9. Cryogenic transfer colder for S/TEM imaging on life and soft matter science specimen under cryogenic conditions


Supports imaging and other analytical needs of life science, soft matter and materials science research.


Multipurpose, cold field emission S/TEM system capable of imaging at atomic resolution in both conventional and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) modes.

CD BioSciences' transmission electron microscopy imaging laboratory has the professional equipment and experienced scientists. We are guided by the needs of our customers and are committed to promoting the progress of their research in biology and materials. Please feel free to contact us for any collaboration or questions.

For research use only, not intended for any clinical use.
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