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Transmission Electron Microscope Imaging Service—Hitachi HF3300(S) Megascope

Transmission electron microscopy is an important tool for the observation and study of ultrastructure and is widely used in a variety of disciplines such as histology, cytology, virology, pathology, and materials science, for example, to observe the overall structure of cells, changes in cell membranes, organelles in cell walls, the distribution of materials into cells, autophagic vesicles produced by cells in response to external stimuli, and invasive structures invaded by external organisms. CD BioSciences' Hitachi HF3300(S) Megascope-based transmission electron microscopy imaging service enables customers to see the microscopic world.

Name of the Instrument/Platform

Hitachi HF3300(S) Megascope

Hitachi High Technologies


The 300KV High Resolution Analytical Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) is also capable of Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) and is equipped with:
· An Annular Dark field (ADF) detector as well as Bright field Detector(BF).
· The system is equipped with dual Oxford energy dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy detectors EDS detectors for elemental analysis and mapping and an electron energy loss spectroscopy (EEL)S detector.
· The system is specified with a TEM resolution of 0.13 nm and STEM resolution of 0.1 nm.
· This system is also capable of high resolution Lorentz Microscopy and Electron Holography.
· In-situ heating possible with a Norcada heating holder with biasing contacts
· Partial pressure gas flow injection to the sample is possible with, Air, O2, H2O vapor, CO2 and H.

CD BioSciences' transmission electron microscopy imaging laboratory has professional equipment and experienced scientists. We are guided by the needs of our customers and are committed to promoting the progress of their research in biology and materials. Please feel free to contact us for any collaboration or questions.

For research use only, not intended for any clinical use.
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