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Imaging and Analysis Services—Leica Confocal SP5 MP AFM

CD BioSciences offers a unique range of high-end custom fluorescence microscopes, small animal imaging devices, and fluorescent probes to perform fluorescence-based measurements in a variety of spatial (nm to cm), and temporal (ns). Our laboratories offer consultancy services and support the application of novel spectroscopic methods and advanced microscopy techniques to achieve high spatial and temporal resolution nanotechnology from whole in vivo animal imaging to sub 70 nm imaging using super-resolution. In addition to using state-of-the-art specialist instrumentation, we train researchers in the use of advanced imaging techniques that are used to study macromolecules, and cell dynamics and characterize biological materials with nanometric precision.

Name of the Instrument/Platform

Leica Confocal SP5 MP AFM



STED scanning uses two beams, one generated by stimulated light emission to deplete the fluorescence of certain fluorochromes for a fraction of a second. stimulated emission depletion (STED) beam at 750 nm, generated by attenuating a pulsed infrared beam from a MaiTai laser through a 100 meter fiber optic. This beam can be shaped in the form of a doughnut whose hole can be made smaller than the 200-300 nm limit of light resolution. A second beam from a either a 561 or 635 nm pulsed laser for excitation is aligned with the latter beam to pass through the hole and both beams are then be scanned across the specimen giving a much smaller effective excitation beam allowing resolution of details between 60-90 nm.

Feature Highlights

1. Resonant scanner capable of 8000 Hz scanning speed (16000 Hz with bidirectional mode).
2. single photon lasers:
a) Argon with 458, 476, 488, 496 and 514 nm excitation lines.
b) 561 nm DPSS (yellow-green).
c) 594 and 633 nm helium neon lasers.
3. DIC, 6 PMTs, 2 APDs, 2 NDDs.
4. CCD camera (for viewing IR).
5. MaiTai laser can also be run as a two photon laser for multiphoton scanning.


1. Fluorescence imaging at all length scales: from single-molecule detection to in vivo small animal imaging.
The field of optical microscopy imaging is experiencing major technical advances which are allowing cell biologists and physicians to visualize a new, dynamic, sub-cellular world where genes and gene products interact in space and time, in health and disease with nanometer-accuracy.
2. Micro-and nano-scale imaging.
The facility currently provides: wide-field fluorescence imaging microscopy, stereo microscopy, iterative deconvolution and computationally derived optical sectioning, confocal one-photon and two-photon laser scanning confocal microscopy imaging, Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS), Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET), Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM), time-correlated-single-photon-counting (TCSPC), near-infrared (NIR) imaging, and a super-resolution Stimulated Emission Depletion (STED) confocal microscope for probing biological and artif


Main Use: Stimulated emission depletion pulsed scanning superresolution microscopy, confocal scanning microscopy of large and thick specimens
Set up for stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy for fluorescence scanning imaging below the diffraction limit of light resolution in two different color channels.

CD BioSciences offers Leica Confocal SP5 MP AFM-based imaging and analysis services to researchers from all over the world. Our solutions will fully meet your experimental needs. We sincerely look forward to establishing a partnership with you. If you have any questions, please contact us directly.

For research use only, not intended for any clinical use.
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