Electron microscopes can excite electrons to form images that magnify micron and nanostructures up to 10 million times, providing amazing levels of fine magnification and allowing researchers to observe even individual atoms. CD BioSciences can provide innovative solutions for electron microscopy and microanalysis. We offer Zeiss SEM Auriga with FIB that allow customers to combine high-resolution imaging with physical, elemental, chemical and electrical analysis to obtain usable data from the widest range of samples.
High resolution (cryo-) scanning electron microscopy, (cryo-) focused ion beam SEM, elemental analyses
The AURIGA CrossBeam from Zeiss is a high-resolution scanning electron microscope (SEM) with integrated high-resolution focused ion beam (FIB) milling that enables photographic, chemical, and structural analysis. The SEM column is coupled with an Orsay Physics "Cobra" Ga+ ion FIB and is equipped with a micromanipulator and a GIS-system for Pt, W and XeF. The system includes a Schottky field emission Gemini electron column operating between 100V and 30kV, capable of resolutions of 1.0nm at 15kV and 1.9nm at 1kV. It is fitted with a standard in chamber ET detector, an in lens SE detector, an ESB electron detector and a four quadrant BSE detector. Additional equipment for cryo SEM (KX 1275; Emitech) is added to the system. The AURIGA CrossBeam is equipped with EDX and EBSD (Norlys-detector; Oxford Instruments) for analytical analyses. For image acquisition and analysis the Zeiss ATLAS software package is included.
CD BioSciences provides Zeiss SEM Auriga with FIB-based electron microscopy imaging services to our clients. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us.
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CD BioSciences is committed to providing a tailored service to researchers working in the fields of biology and chemistry. Our mission is to accelerate the progress of your research through our technical support.